Range Rules
Download Range Rules HERE
Everyone 18 years of age and over who wants to shoot at the Sidney Shooting Park, whether you are a Member or a guest, must read and sign a copy of the Range Rules.
Please sign and detach the bottom portion (2 adults may sign the same form), and keep the Rules for your records. Put the bottom portion in the mailbox in the clubhouse, or send to the address at the bottom of the Membership form.
(Copies are available in the Clubhouse.)
Sidney Shooting Park Range Rules
In consideration of being allowed to enter or use the facilities, including, but not limited to the shooting ranges, (all of which are hereinafter referred to as the “Facilities”) and participate in the activities of the Sidney Shooting Park located at Sidney, NE 69162 (“SSP”), I hereby agree to each of the following terms and conditions of this Agreement, and my signature below certifies that each has been read and agreed to by me:
1. I have read these Range Rules, a copy of which have been given to me by SSP. I understand these Range Rules may be amended from time to time and that I am responsible for reviewing the posted Range Rules each time I use the Facilities. I agree to obey and comply with the Range Rules, general policies, and rules of operation and administration of SSP.
2. I am familiar with and understand the operation of each firearm which I will use at the Facilities. The word “operation” includes the safe handling, loading and unloading procedures, and safety mechanisms and features of each firearm.
3. I understand that SSP highly recommends the use of newly-manufactured commercial ammunition at all times at the Facilities. I accept full and complete responsibility for the inherent risks resulting from my and/or anyone else’s use of reloads or hand loads, including all responsibility for property damage and/or personal injuries to myself and anyone else. I also agree to thoroughly check to be sure I am using the correct ammunition at all times.
4. SSP Members will be issued a membership card. Users MUST have the range membership card on their person when using the Facilities and show it upon request.
General Safety Rules
1. Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
2. Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction. Do not point the firearm at anything you do not intend to destroy or kill.
3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
4. Guns must be unloaded and actions open when OFF the firing line.
5. On the firing line, always keep the gun unloaded until ready to shoot.
6. NO tracer, incendiary or armor-piercing ammunition or explosive targets are allowed.
7. Children under 18 years of age must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult SSP Member 21 years of age or older.
8. No one consuming alcohol or impaired by alcohol, drugs or medication, prescribed or otherwise, is permitted to use the shooting ranges.
9. No smoking is allowed at any shooting stations.
10. Shooters are responsible for any projectiles that leave the range.
11. Eye and ear protection are required on the firing line.
12. The Facilities are for use by members, their guests and paid daily-use persons only, except for events open to the general public. Members are responsible for their guest’s actions.
13. It’s your shooting complex. Help keep it clean; clean up after yourself and others. Pick up all trash, hulls and/or casings.
14. It is incumbent upon any member, guest, bystander, etc., who witnesses unsafe firearm handling to address it immediately. Any person at the Facilities has the authority to immediately correct threats to the safety of participants and bystanders. Continued availability of the Facilities depends on their safe operation.
Handgun Range Rules
1. When more than one person is on the range, those present are to appoint a Range Safety Officer (RSO) to give range commands. When calling for a “cease fire”, the RSO will verify this with all shooters and also confirm that all firearms are unloaded before anyone goes downrange. The RSO will verify no one is downrange before the “commence fire” command is given.
2. No guns on the firing line are to be handled when people are downrange. The action must remain open until the “commence fire” command is given by the RSO.
3. No cross shooting. Your bench must be in line with your target.
4. Do not move guns from station to station. Move shooters, not guns.
5. Only one shooter at each station at a time. Only one non-shooter is allowed.
6. On the handgun range, firearms must be shot from the firing line and nowhere else.
7. To further enhance safety, the handgun range will not be available for use when trapshooting events that require the use of traps #1, #2 or #3 are being held. These events are primarily ATA-registered trap shoots, trap league, the Jim Pohl Memorial Youth Shoot, and Sidney Sharpshooter 4H trap practices.
1. SSP will provide a variety of targets acceptable for use on the handgun range, other than paper targets. Members may utilize the existing target stands for hanging their paper targets. Full-metal jacketed ammunition may be fired at the metal targets. NO OTHER TARGETS ARE ALLOWED. This includes self-healing ground-bouncing targets and items not originally designed to be used as targets (i.e. bottles, computers, TV’s, bowling pins, aluminum or tin cans, etc.).
2. Shooting at the ground at any place is prohibited.
3. NO drawing from a holster. No holsters on your person unless you are a sworn peace officer, a concealed carry permit holder or armed security with prior approval of a member of the Board of Directors, or under the supervision of an instructor allowed to teach at the range. Credentials may be checked.
4. NO SHOTGUNS ON THE PISTOL RANGE. There is a patterning board to the west of the trap range you may use to pattern your shotgun. Black spray paint is available in the office of the clubhouse for use on the patterning board.
5. Firing a shot that results in damage to any range equipment may result in a repair fine and/or disciplinary action up to and including removal of the shooter from the range.
Firearms Permitted at the Handgun Range
1. HANDGUNS - Standard semi-automatic pistols and revolvers firing only standard or high-velocity ammo are permitted.
3. RIFLES AND CARBINES - No centerfire rifles of any kind and no rifles other than standard .22 cal. rifles (NO Magnums). Pistol caliber carbines (17 inch barrel max) are allowed using standard loads – NO +P loads. Pistol caliber carbines are those that shoot 9 mm, .40, .45, etc. NO AR OR AK PISTOLS CHAMBERED IN RIFLE CALIBERS SUCH AS .223, 5.56mm OR 7.62 OR .308.
In all instances not covered by established safety rules, the decision and direction of the SSP Board will be final.
rifle Range rules
The Sidney Shooting Park offers a two station 375-yard rifle range. Utilization of this range is on a first come first serve basis.
1. All rifle range users much sign in on the sign-in sheet in the club house prior to utilizing the range.
2. It is a requirement to check for other shooters down range prior to uncasing your rifle. When more than one person is on the range, those present are to appoint a Range Safety Officer (RSO) to give range commands. When calling for a “cease fire”, the RSO will verify this with all shooters and also confirm that all firearms are unloaded before anyone goes downrange. The RSO will verify no one is downrange before the “commence fire” command is given.
3. No guns on the firing line are to be handled when people are downrange. The action must remain open until the “commence fire” command is given by the RSO.
4. No cross shooting. Your bench must be in line with your target.
5. Only one shooter at each station at a time.
6. On the rifle range, firearms must be shot from the shooting bench and nowhere else.
7. When going down range to check your targets, a barrier must be placed on the firing line to indicate you are down range.
8. Special note. The rifle range will be closed during all events or training classes in the competition bays. Please check the event calendar on SidneyShootingPark.com to check event dates and times.
9. You must obey all “Range Closed” signage.
10. You are responsible for your own paper targets. You are also responsible for removing your targets when you have completed your time on the range.
11. The Sidney Shooting Park has provided steel targets placed at ranges that we have deemed keeps shooters and attendees safe. DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN STEEL TARGETS AND PLACE THEM ON THE RANGE.
rifle and caliber restrictions
50 BMG IS NOT ALLOWED! (Until further testing is conducted)
Steel core ammunition, incendiary ammunition, tracer ammunition, armor piercing or “green tip” ammunition are NOT permitted.
velocity restrictions
Ammunition with a muzzle velocity of 3500 fps or higher is NOT permitted on steel targets. There are no velocity restrictions on paper targets.
general restrictions
Rapid fire or “mag dumping” is NOT permitted and exploding targets or Tannerite are NOT permitted.
We are proud to offer this rifle range for our members! Safety is our top priority! Following these range rules is not a suggestion, it is a requirement! If a member is found to be in violation of these range rules, it will be assumed that they are knowingly and willingly violating these rules. Any damage to the range or steel targets will result in a fine for the repair or replacement of damaged property followed by the immediate revocation of the individual’s membership resulting in a lifetime ban from the Sidney Shooting Park.